Holiday Time Exercise - Tips to Stay Motivated!

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Happy Wednesday!

I am certain I am not alone in my attempts to stay motivated to exercise during the holiday season. See tips below are some ways to combat this. Good Luck!

  1. Change your exercise routine every four to six weeks
  2. Paste a picture of yourself at your ideal on the refrigerator door
  3. Schedule exercise as you would a business meeting
  4. If you can’t get in your full exercise time, break it up into 10-minute increments
  5. Wear a pedometer. Challenge yourself to get in a certain amount of steps per day (experts say 10,000 per day is the average of fit people)
  6. Find an accountability buddy or group. On the days your motivation lags, your friend(s) can be your cheering section. 
  7. DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE NEW YEAR! Many people make New Year’s resolutions to get back in shape. It can be harder to adopt a completely new lifestyle after the busy holidays.
  8. Use exercise as a stress reliever. The holiday season brings a lot of stress due to how much you many need to do to prepare, travel... This is a benefit to having a home gym because it is easily accessible for any moment. Working out is just as good for your mental health as it is for your physical.